About Europa Travel




Outperformancing with in-depth study

Leading tourism trand with reseach spirit

中文(Mandarin) 英文(ENGLISH)






  自1995 年起,歐樂旅行社由菁英遊輪公司(Celebrity Cruises)授權為的台灣總代理( GSA)。經過三年的努力,Celebrity Cruises成為卓著品牌,在1997-1999年間以超過70%的市佔率主導了台灣遊輪市場。輪遊上的晚餐,菁英遊輪公司應公司的要求特別為貴賓提供每桌2道中式佳餚,更派遣了一位同仁長駐於遊輪上二個月為乘客提供優質的服務。沒有其他遊輪公司的總代理商像我們那麼用心、關心乘客的需求。



  1999年RCI 收購 Celebrity 後,終止菁英遊輪公司(Celebrity Cruises)的台灣總代理。2000年起,歐樂旅行社開始成為嘉年華遊輪、公主遊輪(PSA)、冠達遊論、熙邦遊輪的台灣總代理商。在 2003 年取得大洋郵輪 (Oceania Cruises)的台灣總代理 (GSA) 。在2000 年,也就是與公主遊輪合作的第一年,一個航班就有383人。 2005年與歌詩達郵輪公司(Costa Cruises) 簽約包半艘遊輪船位,共有1,064 名乘客前往地中海旅遊,繼續成為台灣旅遊業經營遊輪旅遊活動的領導者。

  我們以不同的方式努力開發創新的旅遊產品和景點,希望提高利潤與避免惡性競爭行為,以創造「獨特的品牌識別」 (Unique Brand Identity),並繼續推出各種創新和具有潛力的產品,這些產品成為我們的市場主力,如北極和南極遊輪、東非狩獵旅遊等;並持續取得良好的業績,同時保持我們在旅遊業中高度認可的形象,以及台灣的遊輪和航空公司代理品牌。


2007年開始成功轉型為100% B2B代理商及航空公司GSA

  我們的經營理念:「真誠、承諾、堅持、價值、分享」在創業理念和企業經營中起著非常重要的作用。我們相信「經營企業需要知識力量來實踐」。在我們管理團隊的領導下,歐樂旅行社以其無與倫比的專業知識而廣受肯定,並得到了我們的政府機構和外國旅遊局的稱讚。歐樂旅行社經營旅遊業務成績顯著,獲獎無數。從 1993 年到 2007年,歐樂旅行社之運營目標為開發利基市場。歐樂旅行社秉承著當時的「以做學問的態度經營事業,以研究的精神鑽研行程設計」的精神理念,持續致力於為我們的旅行夥伴提供最獨特、最精緻的新開發產品。

  歐樂旅行社有鑑於台灣經濟狀況連續遭逢1999年921大地震、2001年美國911恐怖攻擊事件、2003年SARS疫情、2005年東南亞海嘯等事件重大影響,從2007年開始,為了因應國際旅遊市場環境劇變和高速擴張的國內消費者保護意識,決定轉型停止零售所有旅遊產品而開始繼續在台灣發展獨特的遊輪旅遊和航空公司代理業務。 如今,歐樂旅行社已成功轉型成為主要國際航空公司、遊輪公司和國際知名連鎖酒店的總代理或代理,並且成為備受推崇、值得信賴而且以探索鮮為人知和先進的旅遊產品的供應商,與台灣的合作同業推廣新的旅遊行程和景點。

  然而歐樂旅行社的企業哲學和理念已經從昔日提供零售旅遊服務轉變為提供以旅遊為導向的新潮產品和專業服務,不變的是歐樂旅行社「以做學問的經營事業,以研究的精神引領業界」的企業策略。歐樂旅行社堅持比競爭對手領先一步,做好充分準備,最重要的是,從尋求新的商機中獲益。 面對Covid-19給旅遊業帶來的挑戰、不確定性和高度不穩定性,全球旅遊業正面臨重組,旅遊環境也面臨劇烈的衝擊,這是比氣長的關鏈時刻,我們更積極迎接挑戰,在危機中尋找更多的商機。

  從2007年開始,我們成功轉型為100% B2B代理商,成為航空公司的GSA,並經常舉辦同業發表會,包括Power Point 簡報說明會、地圖解說,獨特的市場策略和市場趨勢分析,以及提供多樣化的旅遊套裝行程供我們同業參考,以便我們的專業移接給同業,從而節省寶貴的時間可立即銷售的新潮產品。我們致力於協助同業提供新開發產品來增加同業收益以求生存。


  台灣的 COVID-19 疫情是 2019 年全球冠狀病毒病大流行的一部分,導致國內旅遊業受到巨大衝擊,使旅遊業成為嚴重受創產業,影響著世界各地包括酒店業 、航空業、郵輪公司和旅行社,受到巨大衝擊,不少國際知名品牌也是受害業者。

  歐樂旅行社歷經1999年921台灣大地震、2001年美國911恐怖攻擊事件、2003年SARS疫情、2005年東南亞海嘯等事件重大影響後,公司開始提撥10%的年度淨利作為天災應急基金,以強化承受重大天然災害的衝擊能力。這筆累積的基金可以在遭遇天然災害無收入情況下生存至少三年。 值此疫情期間,我們沒有休假,沒有減薪,不放無薪假。公司的財務狀況穩健不受影響。(台北151坪辦公司是公司自購資產)


  例如,我們首先被美國皇后遊輪(American Queen Voyager)授權為其在台灣的代表,接著成為前往南極、南太平洋、新幾內亞和印尼、俄羅斯與遠東地區的薪傳探險遊輪(Heritage Expeditions)的總代理 。希望未來能取得更多的代理商機。

  在2023年獲兩家國際空運航公司為總代理,獲五星等級的星風遊輪Windstar Cruises、緬甸國家航空Myanmar National Airlines授權為總代理,更多的代理廣品將相繼推出。


1993 歐樂旅行社於1993年09月13日成立
1995 取得Celebrity Cruises 台灣總代理
1996 取得加拿大3000航空公司台灣總代理
1997 取得加拿大3000航空公司台灣總代理 取得墨西哥航空(MX)台灣總代理 取得加拿大海洋探險遊輪(Marine Expeditions)台灣總代理
2000 取得俄羅斯航空公司客運代理 通過ISO 9001:1994國際認證 取得嘉年華遊輪台灣總代理 取得公主遊輪公司代理
2001 取得太空探險公司Space Adventures總代理 取得冠達遊輪Cunard Line總代理 取得熙邦遊輪Seabourn Cruise總代理
2002 取得大洋遊輪Oceania Cruises 總代理
2003 取得世界探索遊輪Discovery World Cruises台灣和中國大陸總代理(不含香港)
2009 取得西伯利亞航空(S7)客運和空運的代理
2010 取得漢恩航空(Hahn Air)合作夥伴
2011 取得烏克蘭世界航空AeroSvit和阿曼航空貨運台灣總代理
2014 取得柬埔寨吳哥航空(K6)客、貨運台灣總代理(GSA)
2015 取得烏克蘭航空(UIA)台灣總代理GSA
2016 取得烏茲別克航空(HY)客運代理
2021 取得美國皇后遊輪(American Queen Voyager)台灣代表 取得薪傳探險遊輪(Heritage Expeditions)總代理
2022 取得夸克極地遊輪 (Quark Expeditions) 總代理 取得河畔豪華遊輪 (Riverside Luxury Cruises) 代理
2023 取得星風遊輪(Windstar) 總代理 取得極光探險遊輪 (aurora expeditions) 代理


1994 埃及國家旅遊局評選頒發「特殊成就獎」
1997 安排1,000多位廠商前往中美洲國家投資考察 成功引進極地探索遊輪概念
1998 菁英遊輪Celebrity Cruises 頒發傑出銷售貢獻獎 陳麗鋒董事長榮獲中華民國企業家認證委員會頒授「1998年度國家傑出企業領導獎」 中美洲五國大使聯合授獎,表彰推展中美中旅遊的傑出貢獻
1998-1999 在中華民國外交部(MOFA)和 中華民國全國中小企業總會(NASME)的支持下,承接1000多名投資者前往中美洲投資兼旅遊。
1999 中華民國企業家認證委員會頒授「1998年全國傑出服務獎」 阿拉斯加州政府頒授「阿拉斯加作為遊客目的地之傑出推廣獎」
2001 安排阿拉斯加,共308名遊客前往旅遊
2005 與歌詩達郵輪公司(Costa Cruises) 簽包半艘遊輪船位,共1,064 名遊客前往地中海旅遊

Brand Ethos: Enterprise Spirit (1993-Until now)

  Europa Travel Service was founded in 1993. 30 years later, it continues to introduce and transplant many cultural, expeditionary and thematic tours for the represented airlines, in addition to river or ocean cruises; providing innovative and profound tour expertise and staffed by professionals in the airlines/cruise lines / luxury hotel chains, Europa Travel can justly claim to be one of the trend leading agents in Taiwan with a collection of the brands providing the unknown and untapped destinations and interpersonal travel expertise to our supporting travel agents and partners.

  Europa Travel Service’s willingness to pioneer creative concepts has distinguished itself from the mal-competition in the travel industry in Taiwan, upholding the ethos of “We will never follow what others are doing, mainly focus on what others do not do!” to create our market strategy and segment and carve out our unique market position. This is our corporate philosophy, honoring every promise we make and serving our supporting agents with scrupulous professional integrity.

   In 1993, Europa Travel pioneered the Nile River Cruise concept in Egypt, making the dreams of our travelers come true and realizing a unique experience of the oasis with its ancient civilization in the desert and sailing by on the romantic Nile River. It became an essential product to travel to Egypt in Taiwan. That is why we are awarded by Egyptian Travel Association.

  In 1994, Europa Travel pioneered in launching Turkish tours with five-star hotel accommodation during the entire travel. Weekly departures to Turkey followed, which caused sensations in the market and has received enthusiastic response. Europa Travel was a pioneer in organizing Egypt & Nile River Cruise holidays and Turkey vacation travels in 90’s. For these 2 destinations we did 20 years ahead of marketing trend in Taiwan.

  From 1995 we had been appointed by Celebrity Cruises as GSA in our market. After 3 years of effort, Celebrity Cruises became a niche brands and in 1997-1999, we dominated the cruise market in Taiwan with more than 70% market share. At dinner, Celebrity Cruises provided our passengers with 2 dishes of Chinese cuisine per table as per our request and we also provided one staff member to accompany on board for the entire 2 months in service of our passengers. No GSA of cruise lines in Taiwan cared about passengers’ needs as we did.

  In 1997, we became GSA for Marine Expeditions for Antarctica and Arctic, Greenland, and Spitzbergen with fruitful results and pioneered the expeditions to raise the eyebrows in the market and continued to lead the market trend.

  In 1997-1998, with the support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C., the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprise (NASME), and Ministry of Economic Affairs, we ever organized more than 1,000 investors to visit Central American countries to seek for invest opportunities.

   In 2000, we commenced representation of the Carnival Cruise Line, Princess Cruises (PSA), Cunard Line, Seabourn Cruise Line, in 2003 Oceania cruises as GSA, following RCI’s acquisition of Celebrity, our GSA status with Celebrity Cruises was terminated in the end of 1999. In 2000, the first year of working with Princess Cruises, we ever had 383 passengers on one sailing. In 2005, we ever recorded a half ship charter with Costa Cruises for 1,064 passengers to Mediterranean. We continuedly became the cruising leader in Taiwan.

   We have made great efforts in different ways to tap new tourist products and destinations to enhance profits and avoid mal-competitive practices, in order to create a “Unique Brand Identity” and continue to introduce a variety of innovative and potential products that will be our market dominants, such as Arctic and Antarctica cruise vacations, Eastern Africa etc.; and have achieved good results consistently, while maintaining our highly recognizable profile within the tourism industry generally, and the cruise and airline brands in Taiwan.

  It is a given that in the global market, the travel industry faces keen price competition. In fact, we believe only in offering a clear concept of quality first and personalized service. In this way we are endeavoring to assist our supporting agents to improve tourists' trust and confidence with the empathy and sincerity and at the same time introduce tourists to a new concept in traveling, with experiences and enjoyment that create a new vision and appreciation of the true meaning of travel.

2007-Transformation to B2B agent and GSA

  Our business philosophy: "Sincerity, Commitment, Perseverance, Value and Sharing” play very important roles in the entrepreneurial philosophy and the operations of business. We believe that "fundamental knowledge is needed in operating a business". Under the leadership of our management team members, Europa Travel is widely recognized for its unrivaled expertise and acknowledged by our governmental organizations and foreign tourist boards alike. Europa Travel has achieved remarkable results operating its travel business and has earned numerous awards. From 1993 to 2007, Europa Travel aimed to develop niche markets as its operational goal. True to Europa Travel ’s ethos, "Sustain the Business through a Learning Attitude, and Tailor Itineraries in the Spirit of Research and Adventure" put forward at that time, the company remains committed to providing the most unique, exquisite, enjoyable and satisfying untapped products to our travel partners.

  From 2007, and in the aftermath of the devastating Taiwan earth quake in 1999, the 911 in USA, SARS epidemic of 2003, and Tsunami in Southeast Asia in 2005, the response to a drastic change in the international tourism market environment and the high expansion of domestic consumer protection awareness, Europa Travel has transformed, deciding to end the retail sales of all its travel products and yet maintain development in the unique cruise and aviation market in Taiwan. Today, Europa Travel has successfully transformed itself, acting as GSAs and PSAs to major international airlines, cruise lines and reputed hotel chains and is a highly respected; and is trusted to explore the less well-known and advance product suppliers and promote new opportunities and new destinations among supporting agents in Taiwan.

  While Europa Travel ’s corporate philosophy has changed from the provision of retail travel services to industry-oriented products and services; what remains unchanged is the Europa Travel ’s corporate strategy "Operating Travel Businesses with an Academic Attitude and Leading Travel Trends with Unflagging Spirit". Europa Travel insists on professionalism, aiming to remain one step ahead of our competitors to be more well-prepared, and most critically, searching to gain from new business opportunities. In the face of the challenges, uncertainty and instability in the travel industry caused by the Covid-19, the business landscape of global tourism is undergoing drastic changes, and the tourism environment is also facing reorganization, we are taking proactive and pre-emptive measures to face the challenges, as crisis interprets more business opportunities.

  From 2007 on, we successfully transformed to 100% B2B agents as GSA for airlines and often conducted comprehensive promotional seminars for agents, with Power Point presentations, maps, along with unique market strategies and market trend analysis, plus different models of tour package for the reference of our supporting agents, in order that we could transplant our knowledge to agents to save valuable time in studying the unfamiliar products and immediately dedicate themselves to selling the products. We devote ourselves to helping agents with new and untapped products and higher yields to survive.

Foresight: Crisis and Outlook

  The COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019, exposing domestic tourism sectors to large adverse shocks. Tourism is one of the sectors most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, impacting economies, livelihoods, public services and opportunities on all continents. The tourism industry has been massively affected by the spread of coronavirus and the tourism market was impacted immensely, and none of the related industry chains were spared, from travel agents and hotels, countless tourism industries are on the verge of bankruptcy, including the hospitality industry, aviation industry, cruise lines and travel agencies. Among them, there are many well-known brand companies in the world.

  After experiencing strong earthquake in Taiwan 1999, 911 attacks in New York 2001, SARS outbreak in 2003 and tsunami of 2005 in Southeast Asia, we commenced to reserve extra 10% of our annual profits as the Contingency Funds to cover the losses caused by natural disasters; and with these accumulated funds, it’s intended that we could survive at least 3 years without income. During the pandemic crisis, we have not furloughed staff, nor cut salaries, nor leave without pay. Our financial situation is stable and healthy. (The premises in Taipei at 5,436 square are our own properties).

  Amid the pandemic which is devastating the travel-related industry for more than 2 years, we found that the crisis contains more opportunities as many agents would be collapsed and disappeared forever, so we never sat idly in the office, instead we took proactive measures and have diligently sought after more new products, in pursuit to increasing our representations of airlines, cruise lines and luxury hotel chains, in aim to diversifying our products and revenues channels, strengthen our substantial position in the market and the agency’s competitiveness. The results are quite fruitful.

  For example, we have been appointed by American Queen Voyager as its IR in Taiwan, then GSA of Heritage Expeditions for Antarctica, Southern Pacific Ocean, New Guinea and Indonesia, Russia Far East, and GSA of Iceland Pro Cruises to Iceland and Greenland. Hoping more representations would be achieved in the coming future.

History of Europa Travel: Outstanding Performances

1993 Europa Travel was established on September 13, 1993
1995 Appointed as GSA by Celebrity Cruises in Taiwan
1996 Appointed as GSA by Canada 3000 Airlines in Taiwan
1997 Appointed as GSA by Aero Peru in Taiwan Appointed as GSA by Mexicana de Aviación (MX) in Taiwan Appointed by Marine Expeditions in Canada as its GSA in Taiwan
2000 Appointed as PSA by Aeroflot Russian International in Taiwan Passed ISO 9001:1994 Certification Appointed by Carnival Cruise Lines as GSA in Taiwan Appointed by Princess Cruises as PSA in Taiwan
2001 Appointed by Space Adventure as GSA in Taiwan Appointed as GSA by Cunard Line in Taiwan Appointed as GSA by Seabourn Cruise Line in Taiwan
2002 Appointed as GSA by Oceania Cruise Lines in Taiwan
2003 Appointed as GSA by Discovery World Cruise Lines in Taiwan, China Mainland (excluding HKG)
2009 Appointed as PSA of passenger and cargo by Siberia Airlines (S7 Airlines) in Taiwan
2010 Appointed as partner by Hahn Air in Taiwan
2011 Appointed as Cargo GSA by Aerosvit & Oman Air in Taiwan
2014 Appointed as GSA Pax & Cargo by Cambodia Angkor Air ( K6 ) in Taiwan
2015 Appointed as GSA by Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) in Taiwan
2016 Appointed as PSA by Uzbekistan Airways (HY) in Taiwan
2021 Appointed by American Queen Voyager as its IR in Taiwan Appointed by Heritage Expeditions and Iceland Pro Cruises as GSA in Taiwan
2023 Appointed by Windstar Cruises as GSA in Taiwan

Outstanding Performance Awards

1994 Awarded the "Special Achievement Award 1994 " by the Egypt National Tourism Office
1997 Organized more than 1,000 investors to Central American countries
1998 Awarded by the Celebrity Cruises for the Outstanding Sales Contribution Dieter Chen, Chairman of Europa Travel, won the outstanding enterprise leading person awarded by the National Entrepreneur Committee, Taiwan. Awarded by Five Ambassadors of Central America, in recognition of its efforts to promote the tourism of Central America
1998-1999 With the support of MOFA and NASME sent more than 1000 PAX to central America for investment
1999 Winner of the “National Outstanding Service 1998” awarded by the National Entrepreneur Committee, Taiwan. Winner of the “Outstanding Travel Agency Promoting Alaska as the Leading Destination” awarded by the Alaska State Government
2001 Organized 308 tourists to Alaska
2005 A half ship charter of 1,064 passenger to Mediterranean with Costa Cruises